Sunday 8 April 2012

Hippity Hop to it

Well it has been one of those weeks, you know the kind, where the planets align to make your life as difficult as possible.  Work, family and running all collide,making you feel like you are not doing justice to any of them.  I managed to run only 3 times this week and one session of circuit training, my LSR was 8K yesterday.  I wanted to run Thursday but was way to tired and Friday I was on a roll with work and did not want to stop.  It happens, trying to work out/run 5 times a week during my busy season is tough and now it is even tougher as it ends earlier.  In May I am participating in a study for someones PHD thesis about women, emotion and sports. They were looking for women who workout more then 150 mins a week, who have a child living at home and who work more then 30 hours a week.  There are questionnaire everyday for 2 weeks and they are trying to study the effects of juggling too many things on emotions/motivation relating to working out.  I can tell them after this week that we do the best we can, occasionally we drop a ball or too but we keep our eyes on the prize and move forward, shaking off our past failures.  I will always put family and friends first, and I am learning to put myself second and work third...but it is a work in progress.  40 days until the Bluenose!

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