Monday 22 April 2013

Running for Boston

Let me start by saying I am upset and angered by the events last Monday.  The Boston Marathon is the brass ring for runners and to have some people destroy this day for so many is so very sad.  I cannot put into words how I feel now, but I can tell you about the absolute fear I felt on Monday afternoon while I waited to hear from all our runners. I had just emailed my friend Shauna, telling her what an inspiration she was when ABC “Special Report” came onto the screen.  I did not hear from her until 5:30 and by then I knew the rest of the RR runners were safe and I could finally breathe.  All I can think about is how fickle life is and how we cannot waste a minute on emotions or people that do not bring us joy and happiness. 

I saw a photo on Facebook after the Boston bombing that summed it up to me

Yesterday I had my last long run before my May 5th Half Marathon.  The schedule said 20K and I was a bit worried; it was on my 20K run before the Army Run that I got injured.  It was a nice sunny day with little wind, the perfect running day and I had the perfect running partner.  I love running with Barbara, she keeps me in line as I tend to run too fast on my slow runs and we spend the miles chatting and do not notice the distance traveled.  Barbara was scheduled to do 23K and I felt so great that I decided to go the distance with her.  I have never run anything above a half marathon so for me this was mental thing, if I struggle at my Half, I can say to myself, you have gone further so be quiet and run.   Too bad for me that Barbara will be doing the Marathon in Toronto and I will be running the Half on my own but I will keep the spirit of Boston in my heart and run strong.

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